
Museum opening hours: 10AM to 5PM.

Portsmouth Taxidermy Case

A case containing a Water Rail prepared by Francis Artlett of 328 Commerical Road, Landport, Portsmouth c1878-1889.

Francis Artlett, described on his label as a  'Naturalist and Preserver of Birds, Beasts, etc, Carver, Gilder, Looking Glass & Picture Frame Manufacturer',  was orginally based at 46 Commercial Road from c1855. He is thought to have taken over a business at 328 Commercial Road from another taxidermist, Thomas Cook and to have worked there until c1903.

A letter, which appeared in the Portsmouth Evening News, 31 October, 1889, mentioned Francis Artlett: "Mr A.C. Mills had shot a fine specimen [of a Marsh Harrier] in Farlington Marshes. It measured two feet in length and over four feet across the expanded wings and was preserved by Mr F. Artlett of Commercial Road, Landport."

Kelsall, J E & Munn, P W (1905). The Birds of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. London
Taylor, Christine. (1997). Directory of Hampshire Taxidermists. HCCMS